MoMa-LLM grounds natural language instructions in dynamically constructed scene graphs in order to perform high-level reasoning for mobile manipulation.

To fully leverage the capabilities of mobile manipulation robots, it is imperative that they are able to autonomously execute long-horizon tasks in large unexplored environments. While large language models (LLMs) have shown emergent reasoning skills on arbitrary tasks, existing work primarily concentrates on explored environments, typically focusing on either navigation or manipulation tasks in isolation. In this work, we propose MoMa-LLM, a novel approach that grounds language models within structured representations derived from open-vocabulary scene graphs, dynamically updated as the environment is explored. We tightly interleave these representations with an object-centric action space. The resulting approach is zero-shot, open-vocabulary, and readily extendable to a spectrum of mobile manipulation and household robotic tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MoMa-LLM in a novel semantic interactive search task in large realistic indoor environments. In extensive experiments in both simulation and the real world, we show substantially improved search efficiency compared to conventional baselines and state-of-the-art approaches, as well as its applicability to more abstract tasks.


Overview of our approach
MoMa-LLM: From posed RGB-D images and semantics, we construct a semantic 3D map from which we extract a various occupancy maps in the BEV space and construct a navigational Voronoi graph. Through room clustering and room-object assigments we then build up a hierarchical scene graph. From this scalable scene representation, we extract the task-relevant knowledge and encode it into a structured language representation. A large language model then produces high-level commands which are executed by low-level subpolicies. These in turn draw on and update the scene representations.

Trials w/ Entire Prompts

We transfer our policy to a four-room real-world apartment comprising a kitchen, a living room, a long hallway, and a bathroom. In the following demos, we demonstrate how MoMa-LLM can be used to solve general interactive object search tasks such as Find a tea. On top of that, we also show how MoMa-LLM can reason about more abstract tasks such as I am hungry. Find me something for breakfast:


This work is released under CC BY-NC-SA license. A software implementation of this project can be found on GitHub.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing our paper:

Daniel Honerkamp, Martin Büchner, Fabien Despinoy, Tim Welschehold, and Abhinav Valada
Language-Grounded Dynamic Scene Graphs for Interactive Object Search with Mobile Manipulation
Under review, 2024.

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Daniel Honerkamp

Daniel Honerkamp

University of Freiburg

Martin Büchner

Martin Büchner

University of Freiburg

Fabien Despinoy

Fabien Despinoy

Toyota Motor Europe

Tim Welschehold

Tim Welschehold

University of Freiburg

Abhinav Valada

Abhinav Valada

University of Freiburg


This work was funded by Toyota Motor Europe (TME) and an academic grant from NVIDIA.